
Colombia. The mayor of Medellín began the installation of 3,000 more containers, which are added to the 3,000 that today are at the service of citizens in the 16 communes and the five corregimientos, for an adequate waste management and a more efficient, aesthetic and safe service.

With the new containers for presentation and waste collection, the city will complete 6,000 containers available. Each one has the capacity to capture 1,100 liters and 350 kilos of waste.

In the communes of Belén, La América and Laureles, the strengthening of this component of the public cleaning service began, which has made it possible to mitigate critical points of garbage and bad odors, and has facilitated a more agile and comfortable work for the operation.

emvariasTo $ 4,380 million Colombian pesos, (about 1 million dollars) amounts to the joint investment between the Mayor's Office of Medellín and Emvarias Grupo EPM for the purchase, maintenance and operation of the containers that are being installed articulately with the Community Action Boards, to guarantee the most appropriate places for the well-being of the inhabitants of each neighborhood or sector.

With the containerization project and bets such as lateral loading and night collection, which advances in 60% of Medellín, among other alternatives, the District Administration continues to consolidate models at the forefront of the world's large cities for waste management

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