be.blum, klaxen

Colombia. Eco-friendly cleaning products maker Klaxen is expanding its market to the United States under a new brand name, called Be.blum.

Initially, they will reach the North American market with their effervescent tablets, which, when mixed with water, offer sustainable cleaning products. They are three different tablets, an all-purpose cleaning, another for windows and glass and another for bathrooms and meetings.

Erika Jaramillo, biologist and specialist in the development of cleaning and disinfection programs and protocols and founder of Klaxen, stressed in statements to the Colombian economic newspaper Portafolio, that the strategy in the North American market is to reach end customers with these solutions.

He added to the Colombian media that the entry into the North American market will be made through a chain of sustainable products stores called Citarella, which is based in New York. In addition, they already have a presence in Guatemala and that their next target is in the markets of Brazil, Panama, Peru and Ecuador.

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The Ranking of Top Cleaning Companies

For this year 2021, we present the second Report- Top 50 of Latin American Cleaning Companies, a ranking that highlights the most recognized companies in this region, considering the importance of this industry, cleaning and disinfection processes, not only in homes, but also in offices, hotels, industrial plants and any space where there is an influx of people.

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